Let’s Get Naughty Theme Bridal Shower

The groom will probably thank you for this one and every guy in town would even be willing to sell football tickets for an entry to this bridal shower! A roomful of girls with naughty thoughts on their mind is guaranteed to be a blast. Think of it as a bachelorette party without going out! Make sure the bride is sporting enough to play along and will not be offended before you plan this theme shower.

Lets Get Naughty Theme Bridal Shower Invitations:

  • Send out invitations that read, “Let’s get naughty at X’s bridal shower”. Wrap the note around a banana for the perfect mood setter. If you are worried about banana’s rotting before you can deliver the invitations, substitute with cucumbers.
  • Buy cheap G-strings and write out the party details on the g-string with a black marker. Send as invites. Note: Writing space will be scarce so you’ll have to be thrifty with words as well.

Lets Get Naughty Theme Bridal Shower Decorations:

  • Use condoms as balloons.
  • Use lace for tablecloth and to drape on chairs.
  • Create ‘naughty plants’ by placing upright bananas and cucumbers in small planters filled with dirt.
  • Hang neck ties and silk ropes as streamers.

Lets Get Naughty Theme Bridal Shower Food:

  • Lollipops.
  • Whipped cream on strawberry.
  • Chocolate sauce on ice cream.
  • Banana fritters.
  • Finger foods.

Note: Don’t give out any cutlery. Let guests use their fingers to eat – a super naughty thing to do!

Lets Get Naughty Theme Bridal Shower Games:

  • A male stripper would be perfect with the theme and great entertainment. Clear this with the bride beforehand unless you are absolutely sure she (and her guests) will be ok with it.
  • A game of truth and dare would also work great. Just ask naughty questions and put forth naughty dares.
  • Play the needle and thread game. Ask the bride to leave the room. Tell all the guests that all the comments the bride will make during the game represent her feelings on the First Night. Call the bride back into the room. Tell her the game is to thread the needle. You can hold the needle and give the thread to the bride. When the bride tries to thread the needle move it around a bit so she cannot. When the bride starts exclaiming, “stay still I can’t get it in” or “darn, missed again” the guests will be rolling on the floor laughing. Make sure you let the bride in on the joke after 5-7 minutes.

Lets Get Naughty Theme Bridal Shower Party Favors:

  • Heart shaped long stemmed lollipops.
  • Chocolate coated condoms.
  • G-strings.
  • Jokes or small games from an adult store.

The naughty theme isn’t for every bridal party or every bride. But for brides that are good sports it’s makes for a shower that everyone will enjoy and remember.
Copyright Andrea R. Britt, 2005. All rights reserved.